Monday, May 21, 2012

How My Writing Career Started

Tomorrow is a special day in my life as a writer.  It will be the day I achieve 1,000 consecutive posts on my personal blog, Socalmulligan808.  After some experimentation and a lot of practice, I feel like I've found my own personal writing rhythm.  At the beginning of the year, I challenged myself to start Caveman Reflections Cyber-bistro, a place for writers of all levels to interact.  My third blog, Free Lemonade Stories, is also designed as a place for others to share their own personal stories.  This third blog needs more attention.  I lost some momentum when I relocated to the Midwest and it's currently on the back burner.

Before starting my blogs, I penned daily love letters to my wife.  We are keeping our collection of over 5,000 hand-written one page notes for our children.  These letters helped me discover how important writing is to me.  I will never stop writing.  The more I write, the easier it is.  The more others review my work, the better it is.  It's like playing chess.  There are unlimited moves.  The more you learn about the game and recognize patterns, the more proficient you become.  I love to play chess.  My favorite game is lightning chess, where each player has only twelve minutes on the clock.  I do the same with my writing.  Every day, the clock signals the game is over at 8:08 AM, Pacific Time.  I must get all my writing done in the allotted time.  This helps me to stay focused.

How did you get started with your writing?  Please share in the comments section below.  And don't forget to check out my personal blog tomorrow when I celebrate my 1,000 day blogiversary.


  1. I have just always been a writer, but journaling is really where writing began for me.

  2.  Kari, I like having a journal to refer to for help recalling past events in my life.  It is definitely the foundation for all my other writing tasks.  Thanks for commenting.

  3. I love how my journal writing has and continues to evolve with my faith. Shows my relationship with Christ growing too.
