Saturday, January 14, 2012

Meet Your Chef at the Cyber-bistro

The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he’s always doing both. ~ James A. Michener

This virtual Cyber-bistro has barely opened it's doors and already people are asking about the chef.  I wanted to come out of the kitchen and say welcome.  Your chef will be highly visible and promises to put smiles on your faces when you visit.  My nickname is "Spoons."   The name came from my bus boy job at Rafael's Arbor during my Sunnyslope High School days.  The guy in charge, JT, saw me sorting cutlery.  He noticed the spoons in my hands and that was it.  When the Arbor burned down, I was unemployed until my dad started Mulligans.  JT became dad's night bartender and I was the weekend janitor.  Now I'm your chef at the Cyber-bistro. 

What do you want to see on the menu?  If you like what I'm serving here, please tell your friends about this place.  I'm already planning on inviting all my friends to the grand opening party on St. Patrick's Day, 2013 and would love to host your friends.

The best way for us to get to know each other is for you to join this Cyber-bistro and become part of my circle of friends on Google Plus.  I'm counting on you for the critical word-of-mouth advertising I need to fill this place up.  Show me you want the Caveman Cyber-bistro to be a cyber-hit.  Will you join my first patrons, David, Olivier, Jedi, Judi, Mrs. Grizzly, Stacey, Sue, Theresa, Mike & Jill, Irene,Nicole, Patty, Kathy, and Sheri (all the way from Qatar!) by clicking the "join this site" button on the right margin?  Any brick and mortar business owner will tell you the first thirty days your doors are open can make or break your future.  The rules of cyber platforms are no different and I'm shooting for thirty followers in the first thirty days to put this Cyber-bistro on the map.  Without you this space is empty.  Come in and meet the chef.  Bring your friends.  And don't forget to leave your feedback below so I can keep improving your experiences here.  Just ask the chef what you would like to see on the menu.

The best part about the cyber-bistro is the low overhead.  That means I can do lots of give-ways to the V.I.P.'s who visit.  International patrons are competing to see who is the furthest away from Ramona, California.  Currently, Sheri from Qatar is in first place.  The lucky winner gets an autographed collector copy of my next book and free international shipping is included.  And the first book drawing will be held on Saturday, January 28.  All of you who are following the bistro are automatically entered.  Good luck.