Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Everybody Has a Story

It was a little bit uncomfortable at first, parking my car in front of the library at odd hours to write my stories or sitting on a bench at the outlet center with my laptop while strangers walked by.  Then I discovered the joy of connecting with curious people who ask what I'm doing.  "Are you on Facebook?" one employee asked.

"No, I'm a writer and I'm working on a couple of blog stories."

"Well, if you like us on Facebook, I'll give you this frisbee and the mall will give you a packet of coupons."

It turns out that the marketing rep for the mall is one of my wife's high school classmates.  I pointed him to the Chico's store and told him to stop in and say hello.  Several more people walked up to me and started sharing their stories.  The man driving the tram couldn't resist asking me what I was up to.  His face lit up when I told him I was working on a story about the Memorial Day party at the square and volunteered his story about serving in the military.

Everybody has a story.  I'm planning on following up with the amazing veterans I met yesterday for some in-depth interviews.  These people are so inspiring.  How do you discover the stories inside of the people all around you?  Please share your comments below.


  1. This post brought to might the idea that every person's story can also be his/her testimony. I like the idea of my story testifying about God's goodness in my life.

  2. I agree, Kari.  My personal blog, Socalmulligan808.blogspot.com is a personal testimony to all God's goodness in my life.  His goodness provides me with an unlimited source of material for my daily stories.  All honor and glory goes to Him.  Thanks for sharing.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Cacey. I hope you keep in touch. Have a great weekend.
