Friday, June 22, 2012

Wilson Mulligan Returns to the Cyber-bistro

Wilson Mulligan diving in the swimming pool during his vacation in Arizona.
 Guest post by Wilson Mulligan:

It's guest post Friday at the Cyber-bistro and the experts are MIA.  Michael asked me to stand in today and share my thoughts about writing.  I'm really hoping the talented writers volunteer to appear here.  As much as I love meeting Michael's writing friends, I'm only a tennis racket and I'm not really qualified to be your guest host.  I'd like to share something with you today that I am good at -- having fun.  Every writer needs to pay attention to this.  Here are some pointers to help keep you from being too tightly strung:
  1. Spend quality time with your loved ones.  Too many writers ignore their families and lock themselves up in order to pursue unrealistic deadlines.
  2. Have fun.  The more fun you have the better writer you will be.
  3. Participate in a sport.  I recommend tennis because you only need one more person to play.  Experiment and find something you enjoy.  Michael wasn't very good when he first met me but he stuck with it.  He took me with him when he competed in a national competition last year.  
  4. Write about your passions.  The more you write about things you like, the more readers you will attract.
  5. Spend time with your friends.  Just because you are a writer, you don't have to be a hermit.  Pick up the phone and invite a friend to go out and have fun.  
Would you like to add your ideas about how to have fun?  Don't forget to volunteer a guest post for the Cyber-bistro.  It's a lot of fun, even if you're not a professional writer.

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