Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bible Trivia Questions About Followers

You can learn a great deal about someone by watching his or her close friends.  Jesus is the perfect example.  If you observe His followers, you get a glimpse of a sense of humor unmatched anywhere in the world.  He picked who to follow Him?  Fishermen who would have starved to death without their leader's help.   Are you kidding me?  And that stunt he pulled at the wedding party where he turned water into wine would have been an even bigger hit in Ireland.  Only God knows how many followers would have hopped on the band wagon if He sailed that fishing boat another 2,500 miles to the north to recruit some of my ancestors.

I'm pretty sure if I gave away free beer every month instead of free books, I would have the entire SHS class of '78 following this blog.  And the whole Mulligan clan would invade, led by cousin, David Mulligan, who wrote the world-famous Sierra Nevada song.  Here's the clip...

There I go again...meandering.  Let's get back to the topic of the day - Bible trivia.  You can answer by hitting the comment button at the end of this post.  You don't have to be a follower to play, however, if you decide to become a blog follower, you will be automatically entered to win The Caveman in the Mirror every month in 2012.  Here are the Bible trivia questions...

1.  How many people did Jesus ask to follow him during his three year ministry?

2.  Bonus Question:  Did He ever ask anybody not to follow Him and why would He do that?

Thanks for playing today's Bible trivia game.  Come back again.  We're just getting started.